kiss the rain (雨的印记)

07/14/2011  |  19:02分类:音乐  |  标签:  |  1,054 views

Okay, i am going to study playing piano with both hands … i will get started from the piece of music called “kiss the rain”… i think i will practice for several days… 嘿嘿

Kiss the Rain 完整真人演奏版:

Kiss the Rain 教学:Kiss the Rain 左手(1) 真人教学版:

Kiss the Rain 左手(2) 真人教学版:

Kiss the Rain 左手(3) 真人教学版:

Kiss the Rain 左手(4) 真人教学版:

Kiss the Rain 右手(1) 真人教学版:

Kiss the Rain 右手(2) 真人教学版:

Kiss the Rain 右手(3) 真人教学版:

Kiss the Rain 右手(4) 真人教学版:

4条评论 关于 “kiss the rain (雨的印记)”

  1. wy 发表于: 7月 15th, 2011 01:12


  2. Jean 发表于: 7月 15th, 2011 10:35


  3. ii 发表于: 7月 15th, 2011 12:48

    Yiruma的曲子我都爱,名字也都好浪漫,our same word,what beautiful stars,看见窗口的风景

  4. admin
    admin 发表于: 7月 17th, 2011 03:46

    To wy,

    To Jean,

    To ii,
