
10/12/2014  |  15:35分类:手机  |  标签:  |  1,803 views

昨天给iphone6贴膜了,从Amazon上买的IQ shield, 又从超市买了不含添加剂的dish liquid soap. 其它工具实验室都有真是方便,感觉比较有用的就是吹风器, 可以把微尘吹走. 不过因为6的边缘是弧线设计, 所以感觉边缘是很难贴好的, 也可能是我第一次贴技术不行.

附IQ Shield贴膜方法: http://www.iqshield.com/installation.html

Getting Started:

  • Be sure that you have all the necessary materials needed. Each IQ Shield “Tray Install” kit will include instructions, installation tray, squeegee, a lint-free cloth and a screen protector for your device.
  • Find a flat, clean and well lit work environment before you start installing the IQ Shield. This is to make sure that you avoid any dust, lint, small hair follicles or other micro-debris from getting under the IQ Shield during the installation process.
  • Turn off your device. If possible, also remove the battery.
  • Wipe your device’s screen with the lint-free cloth and remove all visible dust and fingerprints.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly to make sure that there is no dirt or oil to get on your screen or screen protector.

Preparing the Installation Solution:

  • Before you begin creating the installation solution, place the installation tray in your work area. This helps avoid having to carry the tray around, which may cause you to spill water or solution.
  • Add 1-2 drops of liquid dish soap into a cup.
    * AVOID soaps with additives such as moisturizers, anti-bacterials or grease removers
  • Fill the cup with cold water.
    * DO NOT use hot water, as it will warp the film and make it unusable
  • Pour the newly created installation solution into the installation tray.


  • Moisten your fingers with the solution you created from inside the cup. Moistening your fingers will help prevent any fingerprints from getting on the screen protector or screen during installation.
  • With your wet fingertips, carefully peel the IQ Shield from its backing liner.
  • With the IQ Shield adhesive side facing up, slowly place the screen protector into the installation tray. Make sure it is completely submerged. Once it is completely covered in the solution, carefully take the IQ Shield out of the tray, and gently shake off any excess solution from the screen protector.
  • Place the screen protector on your device. You should be able to easily slide the IQ Shield around to make any necessary adjustments. Please take your time until the IQ Shield is completely aligned.
  • Once the film is perfectly positioned, take one hand to hold the film in place. With your other hand, you抣l be pushing out all the excess solution from under the IQ Shield with the squeegee provided.
    * AVOID pushing the solution into any holes, speakers and buttons on your device.

Finishing Touches:

  • When you are done, gently pad away all the left over solution with the lint-free cloth, and let your device sit for at least 12-24 hours if possible. We suggest installing the IQ Shield at night before heading to bed. By morning, the IQ Shield should be settled onto your screen, and your device should be ready to go.
  • If there are visible micro-bubbles and streaks still left under the IQ Shield, simply wait for them to disappear. Your screen should be completely clear in a few days.

7条评论 关于 “给iphone6贴膜”

  1. 啊哈哈 发表于: 10月 13th, 2014 19:29


  2. admin
    admin 发表于: 10月 14th, 2014 06:15

    To 啊哈哈,

  3. 丫丫 发表于: 10月 15th, 2014 04:03


  4. kaoriyj 发表于: 10月 15th, 2014 18:16


  5. admin
    admin 发表于: 10月 16th, 2014 14:11

    To 丫丫,

    To kaoriyj,

  6. 啊哈哈 发表于: 10月 16th, 2014 20:52

    按说 女孩子才会注意收纳盒

  7. admin
    admin 发表于: 10月 17th, 2014 03:31

    To 啊哈哈,
