今天升级了固件FW 0.89

05/15/2009  |  03:02分类:手机  |  标签:  |  1,439 views


HP612C radio FW v0.89

614c radio firmware v0.89 (and a solution to the call waiting problem)

hipppo上传了他从HP得到的614c radio firmware v0.89以及呼叫等待问题补丁,他已经测试,解决了呼叫等待问题,并改善了呼出电话时听筒的音量。
附件是614c radio firmware v0.89以及呼叫等待问题补丁,需要首先备份手机的个人资料,然后用USB连线612C与PC,点击hpRUU.exe升级radio firmware v0.89,升级完毕后612C将硬启动,然后在手机上安装CallWaitingFix_RequiresRadioFW089.CAB


我机器已升级为FW v0.89,并打上了呼叫等待补丁。正在恢复安装软件个人资料….

FW v0.89升级过程很长,大约需要半个小时,开始很慢,手机屏幕出现HP蓝屏后,进度加快,从50%开始又非常慢了,请耐心等待升级结束,手机会自动硬启。
Good news!

hp have packaged up 614c radio firmware FW v0.89 and are shortly to release it. Early indications are that this provides a fix to the “call waiting problem“, as well as improved in-call volume in both directions… and presumably other minor fixes.
HP已制作614C radio固件 FW v0.89,并即将发布。早前的消息说,这次升级将解决“呼叫等待”问题并改善双向呼叫音量…,估计还有其他小的改良。

A radio firmware upgrade can be performed irrespective of whichever system ROM you are using – so whether you use the original WM6.0, or a WM6.1 version, you can still apply the radio firmware upgrade without affecting the operating system or OS ROM version.

However, the upgrade will automatically perform a clean boot, so take all the necessary backups first and be prepared for a couple of hours of effort to “rebuild” your precious ipaq…


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