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Life in Boulder 6 (冰湖)

05/17/2015  |  16:19分类:生活  |  标签:  |  1,071 views


1. 12/07/2014 Mills Lake (Photo No. 01 ~ 17)
The hike to Mills Lake begins from the Glacier Gorge Trailhead, located on Bear Lake Road almost 8 miles from the turn-off at Highway 36. The lake is named after Enos Mills, the man commonly referred to as the “father of Rocky Mountain National Park”. His most significant contribution, however, was spending numerous years lecturing across the nation, lobbying Congress, and writing thousands of letters and articles that would eventually lead to the creation of Rocky Mountain National Park on January 26, 1915. 这次Mills湖之行主要是为了走一下雪地, 为过阵子爬雪山热身, 没想到山里天气极度严寒, 整个湖被冻的结结实实, 在高山冰湖上行走的感觉真是太有意思了!

2. 12//13/2014 Cub Lake (Photo No. 18 ~ 33)
The hike to Cub Lake begins from the Moraine Park area. Most of this hike will pass through terrain that was scorched by the Fern Lake Fire during the fall of 2012. 上次去Mills湖意犹未尽, 于是一周之后又去了Cub Lake. 这次胆子大了一点, 基本走到湖中心了, 但天气没有一周前冷, 有时可以听到冰面下突然发出”咚咚”的声音, 不知道是什么原因, 只是感觉冰面要被撕裂, 所以还是不敢彻底横跨湖面走到对面去.

01. Hike之前第一件事就是要看下地图:

02. Trailhead to Mills Lake:

03. 应该是Alberta Falls, 被冻住了:

04. 被冻住的流水:

05. 第一眼的Mills Lake:

06. 很多枯木被冻结在湖里, 让人感受到严寒的力量:

07. 冰面被冻的非常结实:

08. 走到湖中的一块石头上, 眺望山顶:

09. 走到湖中的一块石头上, 眺望山顶:

10. Mills Lake:

11. 开始更大范围的在湖面上行走:

12. 拥抱冰湖:

13. 我也拥抱冰湖:

14. 走近湖中央:

15. 太阳要落山了, 返程:

16. 太阳要落山了, 告别Mills湖:

17. 回来的路上看到两旁的灯饰, 让我想起了春节的气氛:

18. 开向Rocky Mountain:

19. Hike之前第一件事就是要看下地图:

20. 不知道这块石头到底是怎么裂开的:

21. 到了Cub Lake, 二话不说就走到湖面上, 但发现了一道深深的裂缝:

22. 虽然这周温度有所上升, 但湖面整体上还是被冻的很结实:

23. 走到湖中央照背影, 对面的小山坡有明显被火烧过的痕迹:

24. 准备躺下:

25. 我躺在Cub Lake的中央:

26. 远处有两个伙计只敢在边缘踩上几脚:

27. 冰面下会突然发出”咚咚”的声音, 让人很害怕:

28. 冰面下会突然发出”咚咚”的声音, 让人很害怕:

29. 扔块石头砸一下看看湖面到底结实不结实, 结果证明很结实:

30. 这可能是湖面比较薄弱的环节:

31. 仔细看一下冰裂缝:

32. 仔细看一下冰裂缝:

33. 其实就算裂开, 人也会没事的, 因为冰块是很大的:
